Sunday, June 28, 2015

in photos: the last few days

I have loads of favorite photos from *last* summer that I never posted, but anyway.  A few favorites from today and the last few days.  I may never catch up on this blog, but for now I'll keep at it.  I may have time to write again, I may not.  Right now, I am experimenting and honing some photography skills and it feels SO good.  Beginning with today and going backwards in time:

:: Like our dog, she plays in the sun-spot.
Or, like me, she is searching for the light.

 :: Tonight we sat on our property fence and watched an air show.  Hazel always has something on her skin; she says it makes her beautiful.  Facepaint, tattoo, markers, pb&j...always something.  Today, appropriately enough, she had two (smudged) rainbows on each cheek.  Love wins.
:: Picking rhubarb and planting raspberries in the garden.

:: Playing with the half-grown chicks.  (Oh, man, I haven't even posted on playing with the baby chicks!)  Juniper is a wild, high-energy kid.  But you would never know it, watching her handle the chicks.  

:: Hazel is mostly mellow, but you have to watch her.  She may try to put a chick on her head.  

:: Summer solstice found me chasing butterflies and fairies in the field.  

:: On this morning, I happen to catch Juniper dressed up as a queen and taking care of her little princess.  
:: Note the tattoo.  
:: Friends playing on the porch: 3 girls and a boy.  
:: Hazel's magnificent morning halo.  
:: Sister love.  
 :: Juniper has a super sensitive scalp.  She doesn't want a haircut, but doesn't like me messing with her hair much.  So this is constant, Juniper holding her hair away from her face.
Until next time, 'night.