Summer is in full swing with her tight curls and tanned feet. Life is full around here. When we got home from West Virginia, we hurry-quick planted trees and bushes: honeycrisp and MacIntosh apples, crabapple, silver maple, raspberries and current. Since then, we've been watering like crazy because, as my grandpa would've said, it's been drier than a popcorn fart.
There is a 50,000 acre-and-growing fire burning on our forest and I can't even remember the last time it rained. (Was it May?) In the meantime, I will shamelessly admit that I've been drinking up these 80 degree days, soaking it in like a lizard on a rock.
:: Grandparents:
Joined us for playgroups in the park,
Our local Mountain Days celebration,
And eating out (front porch dining every evening),
And while I took Hazel swimming, Juniper played in the urban jungle with Grandpa (which I SO remember from my childhood),
And helped her make peace with the bears.
At home, they cooked together,
Went for evening walks,
Went fishing and mudcake-making,
And took most of the photos in this post. My dad put more screws in our fence, my step-mom prepared nearly every meal. They watched Juniper while I went on a shopping spree with only one kid in tow. And the reason we didn't crumble when they knowing they'll be back in two months : )
How amazing it is going to be when all those plants and trees come to fruition. I can't believe how big Miss Hazel is getting.