^Potato blooms.^
Dear summer, I love you.
^French breakfast, yum.^We are on the verge of getting hot and heavy into vegetables, despite some languishing beds. Even in our short zone 3 season, eating doesn't get better.
Between our garden, our locally grown (and hunted) game meat, and our local farmer's market, meals are fresh, simple ambrosia.
Thanks to a certain 3 foot garden gnome, it's a rare pea that makes it into the house.
Hazel is hooking her claws into the summer goodness. Juniper helped make these zucchini-beet fritters and--with a smear of ketchup--gobbled them up.
She continues to assist in waffle-making, occasionally using flour as a new art medium.
Last week our 9th anniversary celebration was homey and simple. Mule deer burgers, fresh salad and carrot cake from the farmer's market.
And a satisfied bride.
Tomorrow I'll pick the newborn-sized zucchini that sprouted overnight. We're all loving summer around here.
Everything about this post is yummy! Love seeing everyone's garden loot. So fun!