Monday, July 23, 2012

getting fresh

^Potato blooms.^
Dear summer, I love you.  
^French breakfast, yum.^
We are on the verge of getting hot and heavy into vegetables, despite some languishing beds.  Even in our short zone 3 season, eating doesn't get better.  
Between our garden, our locally grown (and hunted) game meat, and our local farmer's market, meals are fresh, simple ambrosia.
Thanks to a certain 3 foot garden gnome, it's a rare pea that makes it into the house.  
Hazel is hooking her claws into the summer goodness.
And we've discovered an activity that both occupies her new pincer grasp and keeps her out of harm's way (re: big sister) while I cook.
Juniper helped make these zucchini-beet fritters and--with a smear of ketchup--gobbled them up.
She continues to assist in waffle-making, occasionally using flour as a new art medium.
Last week our 9th anniversary celebration was homey and simple.  Mule deer burgers, fresh salad and carrot cake from the farmer's market.
And a satisfied bride.
Tomorrow I'll pick the newborn-sized zucchini that sprouted overnight.  We're all loving summer around here.

1 comment:

  1. Everything about this post is yummy! Love seeing everyone's garden loot. So fun!


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