We have a little *bright orange* point-and-shoot camera that is nearly always lost. We're not sure how this happens as it's bright orange, but anyway. Typically we lose it for several months, find it for a week or so, then lose it again. But finding it is a gift on a frosty February morning. And particularly if I wasn't around when the photos were taken, it's a special glimpse into a world that's not mine.
Juniper's birthday-wish fishing trip with her birthday fishing pole:
Also from the archives:
^Grizzer bear tracks, do you see them?^
^My man's mule deer last autumn. This is one of the lovely creatures feeding my family this winter. I am really proud of my husband when it comes to mule deer hunting. He has spent the last two years reading and researching and truly learning about this animal he loves to hunt. And even though he has been hunting mule deer for...14 years? 15 years?...he is only now beginning to figure them out, becoming something of a rutty mule deer buck himself. They pull him into some steep, nasty country but he loves it. And I love to see him diving into his passion. As I write this, he is probably in bed reading about the biology and animal behavior of what we affectionately call "mulies". Love that man.
Oh a birthday fishing trip - what a fantastic idea! Love the photos - so glad you found your camera!
ReplyDeleteI like the deer photo - I think hunting for your own food gives you such respect for the animal that nourishes your family. I always remember this from when I read Little House in the Big Woods as a child stuck in a tiny apartment in a big city and dreaming of country life. I love hearing about your life - so different from mine! Sorry I dont comment more often - life seems to be such a rush at the moment....
The fishing trip and Juniper carrying that pumpkin is just priceless.
ReplyDeleteJuniper exudes HAPPINESS and your man and my man would have a lot to talk about, wouldn't they?