Friday, January 20, 2012

:: this moment ::

(Ooooh, two in a row, am I bad.  Real post coming soon....)

                                                          ~skiing with babes~

A Friday ritual. A single photo capturing a moment from the week to savor and remember.
~inspired by SouleMama 


  1. Perfect! My favorite thing to do! Love this angle.

  2. I would only have been surprised if I didn't know that you had shot an antelope at 7 months preg. Badass all the way.

  3. brave lady! Such a great moment! Visiting via Soulemama today, and I'm glad I did!

    my moment -and giveaway info-

    wishing you a lovely weekend!
    xo, laura emily

  4. I am so glad that you are doing this. The girls and I enjoy keeping up on all your doings and seeing the incredible pics. It is a way to keep in touch.


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