Aside from eating hot food (...and a few other things), there isn't much we've given up since welcoming j bug into our lives. Mostly, it's just a matter of figuring out how do we do this now? Lucky for me, I have sister-in-law with an extra 8 months of mamahood under her belt. And so, two weeks ago, I was able to accomplish what all new, red-blooded American mothers strive for in these early months: I went ice-fishing.
That would be Juniper all cozied up in the stroller. The green puffy child would be her elder cousin in his mother's arms.
:: Juniper slept the entire time...except the one time I had a bite on my line; she woke up crying. I missed the fish, caught the baby.
:: J bug's cousin got to be spun around on the slick ice. Too bad we don't remember anything at that age; looks like a fun memory.
:: The babies were mellow all afternoon. It would have been a great day to catch a ton of fish but alas, we were skunked.
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